1805 |
Craig born at Frescati south of Dublin. |
1815 |
Craig attends Trinity College, Dublin. |
First railway opens between Stockton and Darlington |
1825 |
Gravatt works with Brunel on Thames Tunnel Crossing |
Joseph Nicéphore Niépce takes first permanent photograph in France |
1826 |
Metropolitan Police set up by Robert Peel. Catholic Emancipation Act |
1829 |
Manchester - Liverpool Railway |
1830 |
Michael Faraday invents electric dynamo |
1831 |
1832 |
Craig marries Jane Alley. Son Robert born. |
Workhouses set up under the Poor Law |
1834 |
Craig graduates at Cambridge. His first wife, Jane Alley, dies of cancer in Hastings. Marries Jane Helena Johnstone 24th December. Appointed chaplain to Lady Olivia Sparrow. |
Charles Babbage invents first calculating machine |
1835 |
1836 |
Craig becomes parish priest at Fetcham church, Surrey. |
Victoria becomes Queen
Samuel Morse invents telegraph |
1837 |
Queen Victoria bestows 'Royal' on Leamington after visit |
1838 |
Anti-Corn-Law League founded |
1839 |
Craig becomes vicar of All Saints church in Leamington and begins involvement with the National Schools. |
First postage stamp - the Penny Black |
1840 |
Craig gets Town Commissioners to grant 99 year lease on old workhouse.
Gravatt designs Parret Bridge near Langport. |
Mines Act ended child labour |
1842 |
Potato famine in Ireland
French Industrial Exposition |
1844 |
William Parson's Birr Castle Telescope sees first light |
1845 |
1847 |
Craig wealthiest; appoints "Collectors" to canvas for funds to rebuild All Saints church. Sails his yatch, Black Dwarf. |
Gold discovered in California and Australia |
1849 |
New All Saints church nave opens. Publishes a volume of sermons. |
William and George Bond discover Saturn's C Ring
Airy's Transit Circle installed at Royal Observatory in Greenwich
First telegraph cable laid under the Channel
1850 |
Craig and Gravatt start initial work on the telescope project. The lens is started. |
Great Exhibition in London |
1851 |
1852 |
Telescope completed at Wandsworth. Craig's only son, Robert, dies aged 20. Borrows money from his brother for telescope. |
1853 |
Craig borrows more money. |
1854 |
Craig's beloved wife dies! |
Livingston discovers Victoria Falls |
1855 |
Criticism of telescope's performance forces Craig to abandon project. Gravatt explains Babbage's difference machine to Prince Albert. |
Crimea War ends
Louise Pasteur invents pastuerisation |
1856 |
Craig's brother Robert Rutledge returns home and dies a shortly after. Craig imprisoned for misappropriation of funds during building of church. |
Charles Darwin's "On the Origin of Species" puplished
1859 |
Craig marries third wife, Jane Goochild Percival. Telescope falls into disuse about this time and dismantled, leaving just the tower. |
Prince Albert dies
London Underground opens First colour photograph taken
Football Association founded |
1861 |
Telegraph cable laid under the Atlantic
Nobel invents dynamite |
1866 |
Gravatt dies of accidental poisoning.
George Rennie dies
. |
1867 |
All Saints Church in Leamington south transept foundation laid (not under guidance of Craig) |
1868 |
Craig jumped ship from Liberal Party to Conservative |
1869 |
Aged 64 he all but retires from All Saints as vicar leaving rector effectively in charge. |
Education Act - school for everyone |
1870 |
Craig's third wife dies. Around this date the telescope tower is demolished, the land returned to the common. |
1872 |
Charges of drunkenness brough against Craig. |
1873 |
Suffers "senile gangrene". Foot amputated - remains ill until his death. |
Edison invents the phonograph
Bell patents the telephone |
1876 |
Craig opens ice rink in grounds of Priory! |